Did you know... I had no idea when I found out that lemons around the 10th Century a.d. was used for decoration... I can hear you think; "OK.....". Although the history of lemons and lemon water dates back several centuries. It is said that between the 10th and 11th century, Crusaders started to bring the lemon plant back to Europe for exploitation and the first sips of lemon water were enjoyed... Fact or fiction there are clearly noted ship records where this fresh fruit eventually made the trans-Atlantic crossing to America in the latter half of the 1400s. Sailors realized that its benefits of this highly desirable and coveted lemon, and other Vitamin-C rich foods, were found in their...
The City of Bath is home to one of the most famous and important Roman remains in Northern Europe. The Roman Bath houses had not only bathing facilities but hot sweat rooms and massage rooms, where the Romans would indulge in massages with therapeutic aromatic oils. They also had rest rooms where they socialised, ate and read in the same way we use modern spars today. The Roman's bathing culture was incomprehensible to the unwashed Northern European tribes ! It's believed that the Romans gained the knowledge of cold extraction of essential oils from aromatic botanicals from the Egyptians when in 30 B.C. they invaded and took over Egypt from Cleopatra. They favoured aromatical botanicals such as bay laurel, marjoram, pine, cinnomon and juniper. After the essential oils were removed from the botanicals by cold extraction they were added...