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Grooming timetravel...

The City of Bath is home to one of the most famous and important Roman remains in Northern Europe. The Roman Bath houses had not only bathing facilities but hot sweat rooms and massage rooms, where the Romans would indulge in massages with therapeutic aromatic oils. They also had rest rooms where they socialised, ate and read in the same way we use modern spars today. The Roman's bathing culture was incomprehensible to the unwashed Northern European tribes ! It's believed that the Romans gained the knowledge of cold extraction of essential oils from aromatic botanicals from the Egyptians when in 30 B.C. they invaded and took over Egypt from Cleopatra. They favoured aromatical botanicals such as bay laurel, marjoram, pine, cinnomon and juniper. After the essential oils were removed from the botanicals by cold extraction they were added...

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How original is this!!!....

This original modern artist Bruce Shapiro turns art into a living piece of work. The art changes continuously, new shapes and designs bring the dullest of coffee tables to life. I can only imagine gawking at these coffee tables for hours on end. Bruce has certainly come up with something original and transformed the tools that create sculpture into the sculpture itself. He produces these tables that have a metal ball inside which trace spectacular patterns in layers of thin sand. Shapiro has named this project Sisyphus. Much like the Greek mytha metal balls that moves through the finest of sand and seems to be forever rolling and creating patterns. In Greek mythology Sisyphus cheated death and as the Greek...

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Grapefruit wounders

Did you know... Grapefruit contains a natural compound called naringin which is known to lower blood sugar, toxins and increase you metabolic rate. Also its vitamin C packs a punch of well being for the skin, for those free of allergies to this marvel fruit, sorry... Ask your physician about it sure they'll be able to advice you well on the grand grapefruit. As for me, I just love the scent... Also the American library for health and medicine published an interesting article proving that insects dousted in grapefruit essential oil were more lucky with the lady insects.... Not suggesting anything here but pretty good to know. I know what i will be wearing this weekend:) We'll be having some special...

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Did you know: "The Shave…."

Having been in the curious world of grooming for a while now I have heard so many opinions about the best way to shave, why, how, when and what to moisturize, that I decided to go out on quick investigation and share my findings with you. Now, because I have seen and heard so many ‘expert’ opinions I will not profess an absolute truth but will briefly summarize some of the findings for your consideration. Well here it goes… According to the Cleveland Clinic it is said that the rate of your hair/beard growth is genetically determined. How frequently you need to shave, is subject to a plethora of factors. Genes, weather (hot/cold) and moisture levels of your skin, are...

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